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Water Services Locating Leakages

Water Services Locating LeakagesAre you grappling with the issue of water leakage in your pipelines?If you are seeking solutions to meet leakage reduction targets while maintaining sustainability and operational productivity. Look no further. Our LiDAR surveying company is here to assist with your water management practices and help you to tackle leaks head-on.Global ProblemWater leakage is a pressing global problem that hampers sustainability and efficiency, especially as leakage rates reach their highest levels in years. It is time to explore new approaches, and that's where LiDAR technology comes into play.LiDAR to the rescueLiDAR,  scanning and mapping technology, offers a comprehensive solution that visualises potential issues within your pipes, identifying factors that could lead to leaks in stunning 3D detail. From cracks and pipe deformations to joint displacement, our LiDAR experts can detect and measure these irregularities with accuracy. By partnering with our LiDAR surveying company, you unlock a range of advantages tailored to your specific projects. Precise Leak Detection and Localisation:Our LiDAR technicians can survey vast lengths of pipe, accurately pinpointing potential leakage spots. By generating highly detailed 3D models of your water infrastructure, we provide you with an all-encompassing view, enabling you to swiftly identify issues and prioritise repairs with precision.  Optimised Resource Allocation:Use our LiDAR survey data to gain insights into leak severity and environmental impact. With our data-driven approach, your limited resources are strategically deployed to address critical leaks and future pipe problems.Network Modeling and Simulation:Integrate our LiDAR data with modeling software to evaluate the potential impact of leaks on your network. Our data will help you plan effective strategies to reduce water loss and  improve your system efficiency.Proven track recordOur LiDAR surveys have a track record of successful collaborations with renowned industry leaders, including ‘Thames Water, Scottish Water, Wessex Water, and Veolia'.CollaborationOur collaboration with Thames Water has provided valuable insights into their unique requirements. Through our LiDAR solutions, we have effectively detected pipe issues. Additionally, our partnership with Veolia, a global leader in environmental solutions, has further enriched our experience in implementing LiDAR and GPS technology for water management projects.  

Client Testimonials 3D LiDAR and Drone Surveys

Client Testimonials  3D LiDAR and Drone Surveys Through the utilisation of LiDAR technology, our clients have experienced precision and accuracy in their scanning projects. By harnessing the power of laser pulses, we capture high-resolution, three-dimensional data clouds with remarkable detail and resolution. This enables our clients to visualise and analyse their environments with clarity. This in turn helps them to make informed decisions to drive their projects forward with confidence. Testimonials from our clients     "Commendium has shown adaptability, innovation, determination and skill in order to deliver our surveys on time and to budget."WARDELL ARMSTRONG   - Technical Director      “Commendium was able to address many issues for us during the installation of Pooley Bridge, which led to significant time saving and reduced cost.”ERIC WRIGHT CONSTRUCTION - Project Manager "Commendium's commitment and the quality of their models has contributed overwhelmingly to the success of our TV productions."UNDERWORLD  - Series Producer  "Commendium has taken sonar data and produced 3D models which have enabled our client to design remedial works to fix failing flood management systems and thereby save millions"THE WATER SERVICES GROUP  - CEO  “The blend of LiDAR surveys of underground pipes and GPR which Commendium provides, has enabled us to plan building works and mitigate risk with great precision, saving both costand time.”JOHNSON CONSTRUCTION - Managing Director  We have worked with a myriad of industry-leading companies: NETWORK RAIL LiDAR scanning to conduct comprehensive surveys and assessments of railway viaducts, to capture intricate details and facilitate  structural analysis. Click here.      VEOLIA advanced GPS positioning technology,  generating accurate and detailed maps, harnessing precise location data to creating visual representations of both urban and rural environments.        THAMES WATER  inspection and assessment of water pipes, employing advanced laser technology to accurately capture three-dimensional data, enabling  detection of anomalies, identification of structural integrity, and optimisation of maintenance procedures.      NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC    LiDAR scanning and film effects. Click here      BBC  Documentaries , presenting. Click here      SPINCRAFT - STANDEX    LiDAR scanning and film production animation.      GIBRALTAR NATIONAL MUSEUM   Film Documentary, and Presenting.  Click here     ZDF STUDIO  Scientific cave films for Underworld -  Curiosity Channel.       ZRC SAZU The fusion of LiDAR scanning and film production animation  propelled the boundaries of visual storytelling.  Integrating cutting-edge laser scanning technology with the artistry of animation. We create immersive cinematic experiences that captivate audiences and transport them to extraordinary realms of imagination.      Case studies  Riegl  DroneDJ Global Railway  Rail Engineer 

Network Rail Bathymetry survey River Calder

Network Rail Bathymetry Survey River CalderRiver Calder After the successful initial 3D terrestrial scans of Whalley Viaduct, Network Rail requested an additional survey. This involved conducting a Bathymetry survey of the River Calder bed. This survey aims to investigate any potential issues related to the viaducts' crossing of the river Calder.Whalley ArchesThe Whalley Arches hold significant importance as crucial components of this busy railway route. Constructed between 1846 and 1850. The viaduct consists of 48 arches, over 600 yards long, and 70 feet above the valley. It is worth noting that the viaduct not only spans across land for a significant portion of its length but also crosses the river, adding to its unique architectural and engineering features.BathymetryTo ensure the viaduct's integrity over the river Calder, a bathymetry survey was conducted. The survey mapped a 100m river section using a HyDrone RCV remote control survey platform and the HydroLite-TM portable echo sounder kit. By connecting the HyDrone RCV to a GNSS receiver, precise geo-location of points on the riverbed was achieved. This GNSS data greatly aids in constructing the 3D river model. Furthermore, the receiver was linked to a LIDAR survey of the riverbanks. The resulting scan data accurately builds a profile of the river beneath the viaduct. Monitoring erosion and scourMonitoring the riverbed around the structures is crucial. The main focus of viaduct base failure is the flood-prone and scour-prone areas. Changes in river hydraulics due to flooding, climate change, and increased rainfall can lead to severe issues for the structures' base. This survey specifically targeted riverbed scour, detected using our high-resolution sonar bathymetric remote-control platform.Data CollectionOur bathymetric underwater surveying technology enables engineers to inspect water retention and riverbed features. They use specialised software back at our base to analyse the collected data. This data characterises the River Calder location both above and below the waterline. Furthermore, we visualise the impact of objects on river flow and assess the changes caused by sediment dynamics in the river.The captured bathymetric data provided precise resolution and detail of the area. This improved sonar detail increased the evaluation of the watercourse and facilitated the inspection and assessment of the viaduct features, ensuring the structure's safety by identifying areas of concern.Network Rail will utilise the 3D and assessment models to evaluate future maintenance needs and determine any necessary remedial works.

Scanning with Network Rail – Scans, drones and viaduct arches

Whalley viaduct built in 1846 stretches across the river Calder. The viaduct is a magnificent structure, consisting of 49 brick arches, 620m long and 21.3m high. Locally the area is known the Whalley Arches. Traditionally, the surveying and inspection of these structures would be undertaken manually, with measurements and repetitive paper-based data entry. The traditional method is both time consuming and expensive; requiring extensive scaffolding. To eliminate the human errors attached to traditional surveying, and to save on time, we employ terrestrial 3D laser scanning techniques to capture buildings and structure data. Combined with photography of the structure, the laser scan data assists in assessments, helping with the prioritisation of maintenance issues,which may or maynot be required. Our team travelled to Whalley Arches late in the evening, our job was to scan the top railway section at midnight, the best time to work when scanning railways - whilst trains were stopped. However, due to strong wind gusts and torrential rain, the night time scan was cancelled much to our dismay. Undeterred, the next morning, clear skies and a mild breeze greeted us as we set off with a RIEGL scanner, two drones and camera team to capture the arches. Several areas under the arches required cleaning out of saplings, brambles and general discarded waste. These were cleared by the ever helpful team from Network Rail, armed with Chainsaws, and industrial hedge trimmers. As soon as these obstacles were cleared, giving us line of sight for the scanner and operator and easier access to the grounds, our job commenced. Each arch was scanned with terrestrial lidar, which made for some interesting scrambling up embankments and into residents gardens to ensure a clear view of the arches for the scanner. Thanks to all the residents who allowed us into their property, who were all very kind and welcoming. A total of 187 scan positions, combined with 3,000 high resolution photographs gave us a highly detailed accurate comprehensive analysis of the complete structure.

Practicalities of 3D scanning

3D scans useful in so many ways Our forte is our ability to combine data from the following different sources and technologies: Sonar, Bathymetry, LiDAR, and Photogrammetry. Promote your service with an exciting 3D interactive film or animation, or accurately measure your buildings or terrain. For speed and accuracy of capturing geospatial data, such as buildings, bridges, objects, and terrain. We give you asset management, 3D virtual films and surveys, and promotional marketing services too. The benefits of using our services are twofold “accuracy and speed.” 3D cameras vary in specifications; they are expensive and complicated to use regarding downloading and stitching the collected 3D data images. With our service, you tell us what you want and we do the work for you, from travelling to the location, capturing the data, processing your data, and passing you the finalised product. Our scans are precise to submillimetre distances, and can be used in a variety of scenarios, from forensics to wind turbines, terrain and building structures. Most recently we have been making 3D animated films to assist the tourist industry and engineering companies. 3D scans take your Quality control and quality assurance workflow to the next level of speed and accuracy. We quickly and accurately collect, process, and deliver your data even in hazardous and demanding conditions. Our data provides you with the ability to process, manage and collaborate more efficiently with greater detail. In addition to measuring benefits, your 3D data lends itself to immersive film and fly throughs giving you total “ real time” experience and clear views of your buildings, installations, and terrain.

Surveying and scale plans in 3D illustrating speed and accuracy in Forensics

Surveying and scale plans in 3D illustrating speed and accuracy in ForensicsTraditional versus  3DTraditionally forensic tools consisted of cameras, to take photos and videos and measuring tools, tape measures and measuring wheels.The problem with traditional methods, is that it is a complicated and time consuming process.Time and complexity are not helpful when collecting information as quickly as possible. In traffic accidents, with 'fast moving and changing environments' or crime scenes where deterioration of the scene can happen very quickly. Scanning is invaluable for capturing the scene quickly.When time is vitalTo enable the fast and accurate collection of data there is a vast array of geospatial tools to capture vital forensic evidence and information. This information is helpful and can be relevant in court or for insurance purposes.3D Surveying and scale plans illustrate accidents and crime scenes as pristine views of what exactly occurred. The 3D scans offer the ability to capture precise measurements, and record everything for prosperity and for further thorough analysis.Accuracy is paramountUsing multiple scan stations, and line of sight positioning of the scanner, we obtain every detail in perfect 3D precision.Dependent upon the type of scanner used, and your requirements, our Scans can be viewed in real time or taken away to be compiled, processed, and delivered to you; in which ever format you require.Measuring in precisionScans lend themselves to measurements from every angle, allowing for clear and precise forensic information.Scans can easily be viewed as a walk-through; this Provides both inspectors and a jury insight into the scene that was not previously possible.High definition colourOur 3D survey and scale plans are presented in high definition colour, which adds to the immersion of the scene itself, and assists with both spatial and visual referencing of event. Our 3D captured models bring not only speed of delivery, but clarity and understanding to all your scenes.

Riegl scan to 3D film – The process

Riel Scan to 3D Film - The ProcessCool film opportunityA glorious film project landed on our desk at the beginning of December. A mixture of photogrammetry, a LIDAR Scan, and drone footage. The task: To take all the above disciplines, fix, remodel, and turn the resulting 3D objects into a film.Collecting the dataWe had collected data earlier in the year when we visited the cave in winter to gain the advantage of low water levels and sparse vegetation. The first model, created by drone, using thousands of aerial shots was of the entrance dolines, huge depressions in the ground, along the bottom of which the River Reka flows before entering the caves. The second model of the cave, a stupendously huge file, created using a Riegl  terrestrial (TSL)  scanner converted to a single 3D point cloud.Processing the resultsUpon opening the resulting point-cloud, it presented itself as perfect, but consisted of four million polygons, which meant slow processing even with our high spec computers. First task, the model had to be decimated, bringing it down to a manageable size.Huge modelThe model, an exact replica of Škocjanske Jame, one of the largest known caves in the World, started out in magnificent detail. The reduction of data was handled carefully, a fine balance was required, to reduce the size and maintain the exquisite details captured by the Riegl scanner. Once the model data was refined, it was time for a thorough inspection. As we delved inside the cave, it felt like virtual caving, as the camera twisted and turned through the labyrinth of passages. Working your way around a cave system in 3D software can be quite disorientating, even when it is one of the largest caves in the world.Using photographsThe second issue presented itself while working our way through the caverns. We found areas of the model that were blank, and hidden from the scanner; it is quite impossible to place the scanner in all the positions required to capture everything in the cave due to restricted access, lighting and angles. We solved this problem by digitally creating realistic walls, from photographs, under the guidance of our own expert caver, who has first-hand knowledge of the cave.Creating texturesOnce the erroneous areas had been solved, the next task was to texture the model of the cave.  Using photographs taken from sections of the cave, our art department created bespoke images to be used…

Surveying Water Pipes

Surveying water pipes Commendium accepted the challenge of surveying an 800m long 0.9m wide water pipe in North London. Being underground, without the aid of location, provided by GNSS. Surveying a metal pipe poses one of the most challenging subjects for LiDAR. There are few clues in the scanned data to assist with the registering and alignment of scans. The challenges We set about overcoming the challenges by mounting a Riegl TLS scanner into a crawler remote vehicle (provided by The Water Services Group). The process was set up to take scans at every 3m through the length of the tunnel. Inertial measurement unit We supplemented the displacement measurement by using an IMU to measure orientation and displacement between scans as precisely as possible. Scans were taken manually by connecting the scanner via a fibre optical link. Using ethernet switching also allowed us to capture photographs and video at the same time. Scan Processing Back at the office, the scan data is realigned using data from the IMU (Inertial Measuring Unit) . Next step the scans were brought into RiScan Pro for manual, fine stitching using the MTA (Multiple time around) tools. It was vital to prevent roll, and pick tie points from small imperfections in the pipe, revealed by the scanners. There is no way around this slow manual process. However, the results of our labour were excellent, a tribute to the quality of the core Riegl LiDAR technology. Closing the survey loop We 'closed the survey loop’ by surveying over the surface, to the opposite end of the pipe, this time enabling auto-registration as GNSS , with plenty of street ‘furniture’  available to identify and align the scan data. In the end, the loop closure was just under two metres over 1.8km; that will do nicely. Pipe Anomalies found The scan survey showed in detail, four additional anomalies that were unknown to the client engineers. Had these not been identified, it could have rendered planned maintenance ineffective. It did mean that additional access had to be dug to address issues, but this remains hugely less expensive and time-consuming than the alternative.

How to Combine Drone and LiDAR Survey Data

In this article, I will attempt to give an overview of how we combine Drone and LiDAR survey data, via point clouds and other means. Everyone has a different method of doing this, depending on the software at their disposal, but this is the process that works best for us. Why combine the data? There are a number of reasons a project requires a combination of Drone and LiDAR point cloud data. In our case, we use a terrestrial LiDAR unit  along with aerial photogrammetry. Sometimes, the shape and height of an object means we cannot get the LiDAR device to scan the top of the target. In other cases, the area is too large to simply survey with a terrestrial LiDAR unit. An example project is a recent project to scan an old farm and it's surrounding landscape. The farm was in disrepair and needed internal and external surveying. As it was built on a glacial drumlin, the surrounding area also needed to be included. Our method was to survey the buildings with the terrestrial LiDAR scanner and then combine this with a point cloud created from an aerial survey. This point cloud would then be used as a guide to draw a detailed Autocad Revit model including the topography and buildings. Drawbacks of this method The main drawback of this method is that we are combining two datasets with differing point cloud densities. The terrestrial LiDAR survey has a point cloud density in the thousands per square meter, whereas the drone photogrammetric survey has a density of nearer the hundreds. This is not generally a problem if we understand that the two methods have different uses. It is also tough aligning two point clouds created with different hardware and algorithms. This is where accurate GNSS survey data becomes essential. [gallery size="medium" ids="7015,7014,7016"] The importance of GPS and Control Points. The importance of using accurate GPS co-ordinates and ground control points / targets cannot be understated here. If you have a wide range of effectively placed targets that are visible in both the drone survey and the LiDAR point cloud, it makes combining the two datasets immeasurably easier. There will be errors and there will be a slight difference in figures, but the more accurate you GPS control points are, the lower the error rate, ensuring the resulting combined dataset is still within accuracy limits. We use a combination…

3D Laser Tunnel Survey – Wet and dry.

3d Laser Tunnel survey; wet and dry Laser scanning methods have been in use for several years to survey objects, buildings and tunnels and the level of detail that can be obtained is stunning. It allows for wide range of inspections to be completed including, mapping, surface condition assessments, over and under breaking analysis, component inspection and relationship to surface features or activity. There are two approaches: a handheld laser unit or SLAM (Simultaneous Localisation And Mapping), or  terrestrial LIDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) unit; both have their advantages. A hand-held SLAM is rapid and will go places that a LiDAR unit cannot, so is preferable in long or small tunnels, but it cannot capture the detail that a LiDAR unit can, which is a slower more considered approach. Commendium will use the most appropriate method for any job and typically uses a blend of technologies to gain the desire output. With partners, The Water-Services Group, we are able to offer a multi-technological approach to surveying tunnels, aqueducts or aquifers. Uniquely, with software built in-house, we are able to combine and synchronise SLAM, LiDAR, Ground Penetration, Sonar and Airborne survey data into complete 3D models of underground subjects, so that, for instance, we can create a geolocated map of a tunnel, accurately assess the depth below ground of a tunnel at any point on the surface, accurately measure spatial relationships between underground features and give a detailed, even forensic, 3D condition survey, a full 3d laser tunnel survey all in dry and partially or fully flooded systems. We can survey where humans cannot venture using robotic vehicles, but also have the necessary confined space, access, and safety training to physically venture into these tunnels. We have recently been testing these combined technologies in Speedwell caverns in Derbyshire. Here a stairway leads to a boat ride along 450m of half-flooded tunnel, meticulously mined out in the 1770s, to a large chamber. We where able to combine sonar data from underwater, SLAM data long the tunnel and high quality LiDAR data in the chamber at the end, into a single 3D dataset.